- Sanctuary Policy in Chicago May Change as a Result of House Oversight Hearing | La Política de Santuario en Chicago Podría Cambiar Como Resultado de la Audiencia de Supervisión de la Cámara
- Highland Park Parade Killer Enters Guilty Plea, Spares Families of Victims a Criminal Trial
- Client DUI Guilty Plea Vacated on Due Process Grounds | Declaración de Culpabilidad de DUI del Cliente Anulada por Motivos de Debido Proceso
- Exploring Immigration Law and Legal Insights: John Heiderscheidt’s Interview on WRMN 1410AM’s “Life Experiences”
- Laken Riley Act Makes it Easier to Detain Immigrants with Criminal Convictions or Pending Charges | La Ley “Laken Riley” Facilita la Detención de Inmigrantes con Condenas Penales o Cargos Pendientes
- What Should I Do If ICE Raids My Church or School and I Am an Immigrant in Chicago or U.S.? | ¿Qué debo hacer si ICE tiene redadas en mi iglesia o escuela y soy un inmigrante en Chicago o en los EE. UU.?
- Felony Theft Case Dismissed Out of Will County, Immigrant Keeps Clean Criminal Background | Caso de Robo Desestimado En El Condado de Will, Cliente Inmigrante Mantiene Limpios Sus Antecedentes Penales
- Biden Extends TPS for Venezuelans Days Before Trump Takes Office | Biden Extiende el TPS para Venezolanos Días Antes De Que Trump Asuma La Presidencia
- Attorney Heiderscheidt Joins Chicago Bar Association as Committee Chair of Immigration and Nationality Law
- Attorney Heiderscheidt Attends Next ICE Director Homan’s Chicago Speeches on Immigration Policy Tom Homan
- Some Immigrants May Benefit from New Attorney General Wrongful Conviction Unit
- Attorney Heiderscheidt Leads and Immigration Rights Seminar
- A Day Downtown: DUI Cases and EOIR Hearings
- Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. Endorses Bob Fioretti for Cook County State’s Attorney
- Chicago’s Gun Violence in 2024: A City in Crisis
- Attorney John Heiderscheidt Criticizes the Decision to Let ShotSpotter’s Contract Lapse
- Challenging the Immigrant Crime Narrative: Insights from Recent Research
- Attorney Heiderscheidt Comments on P. Diddy Sex Trafficking Arrest
- Attorney Heiderscheidt’s Statement on the Anniversary of 9/11:
- An In Absentia Removal Order Vacated for Client, Allowing Them to Pursue Asylum and TPS | Una orden de deportación en ausencia anulada para el cliente, lo que les permite solicitar asilo y TPS
- EOIR Case Terminated for Client with TPS | Caso de EOIR fue Terminado para un Cliente con TPS
- How Will the Recent Election in Venezuela Impact my Asylum Application | ¿Cómo Afectarán las Recientes Elecciones en Venezuela a mi Solicitud de Asilo?
- Re-Imaging Sanctuary Policy in 2024
- John Heiderscheidt Attends Chicago’s Annual Lincoln Day Dinner
- Special Thank You to Our Legal Team for Helping a Client Meet the 1 Year Deadline for Asylum Application | Un Agradecimiento Especial a Nuestro Equipo Legal por Ayudar a un Cliente Llenar su Solicitud de Asilo Antes de que Cumpliera su Fecha Límite de un Año
- Warrant Quashed Out of Cook County, Client Avoids Pre-Trial Detention | Orden Judicial Anulada del Condado de Cook; Cliente Evita la Prisión Preventiva
- Empowering Migrants: John Heiderscheidt’s Insightful Session on US Immigration Laws
- Several Removal Cases Dismissed from EOIR Removal Court for TPS Applicants | Varios Casos de Deportación Desestimados de la EOIR para Solicitantes de TPS
- Success! Conviction vacated on due process violation, eliminates grounds for removal from the U.S| ¡Éxito! Se revoca una condena de violación del debido proceso y se eliminan los motivos para la expulsión de los EE. UU
- Awaiting the Trump Hush Money Trial Verdict and Predictions on Whether Trump is Guilty from AI, and Real Attorneys
- Professional Golfer, Scottie Sheffler, Faces Criminal Charges
- Felony Disorderly Conduct Case Dismissed Out of 26th and California | Caso de delito grave de alteración del orden público fue desestimado en la calle 26 y California
- Felony DUI Dismissed out of Maywood Courthouse in Cook County | Delito grave de DUI desestimado en el juzgado de Maywood en el condado de Cook
- Observations and Suggestions for a Better Response to Chicago’s Migrant Crisis
- Chicago Criminal Attorney John Heiderscheidt Comments on the Likelihood of Jail for Trump after Judge Merchan Finds Him in Contempt
- EOIR Motion to Change Venue Granted for Immigrant Client | Se Concede Moción de la EOIR para Cambiar el sitio de un Cliente Inmigrante
- Chicago Criminal Attorney Questions the Helpfulness of McDougal Evidence in Hush Money Trial
- Chicago Criminal Attorney John Heiderscheidt Comments on Opening Statements in Trump Hush Money Trial
- Subscription Lawyer Explains Why You Should Continue Pursuing Asylum Even If You Receive TPS | Abogado de suscripción explica por qué debería continuar solicitando asilo aunque reciba TPSSubscription Lawyer Explains Why You Should Continue Pursuing Asylum Even If You Receive TPS
- EOIR Case Dismissed for Subscription Lawyer Client | Caso EOIR desestimado para cliente de abogado de suscripción EOIR Case Dismissed for Subscription Lawyer Client |
- Migrant Evictions in Chicago
- Chicago Immigration Attorney John Heiderscheidt Comments on Migrant Website’s Murky Details Surrounding $300 Million Funding
- Chicago Criminal and Immigration Attorney Comments on DHS Involvement in Trafficking Allegations Tied to Sean “Diddy” Combs
- Chicago Civil Attorney John Heiderscheidt Comments on Trump’s Bond Predicament
- Immigration Attorney John Heiderscheidt Campaigned with Bob Fioretti on Primary Day
- Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks Senate Bill 4
- John Heiderscheidt Attends Northshore Immigration Event
- Constant Changes to Immigration Law in American History
- Attorney John Heiderscheidt Attends the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Legislative Breakfast in Support of Bob Fioretti
- Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Colorado’s Push to Remove Trump from 2024 Election Ballot
- Client Case before EOIR Dismissed | Caso De Cliente Delante La Oficina Ejecutiva de Revisión e Inmigración Fue Desestimado
- John Heiderscheidt attends Economic Club of Chicago’s Event in Support of CPD Superintendent Larry Snelling
- Illinois Supreme Court Determining Whether the Odor of Cannabis is Cause for Vehicle Searches
- DUI Reduced to Reckless Driving for DACA Holder | DUI Reducido a Conducción Imprudente Para Recipiente de DACA
- Chicago’s Migrant Crisis
- Happy New Year Message from HLG | Mensaje de Feliz Año Nuevo
- Heiderscheidt Law Group, LLC Client gets EAD with TPS Approval
- Heiderscheidt Law Group, LLC, attends Bob Fioretti’s Petition Filing for Cook County State’s Attorney
- Removal Case Dismissed for TPS Eligible Client | Caso de Deportacion Desestimado para Cliente Eligible para TPS
- Another successful EAD Approval Just in Time to Celebrate Thanksgiving!
- Client Approved for EAD
- Attorney John W. Heiderscheidt attends Amundsen Park Rally in Support of Residents
- Meeting the Honorable Senator Joni Ernst
- USCIS Likely to Begin Accepting TPS Applications for Newly Eligible Venezuelans This Week | Probable que USCIS Comience a Aceptar Solicitudes de TPS
- Victory! Suppressed Statement in a Felony Case | ¡Victoria! Declaración Suprimida En Un Caso De Delito Grave
- Half a Million Venezuelans Now Eligible for TPS and Work Authorization | Medio Millón de Venezolanos Ya Son Elegibles Para TPS y Autorización de Trabajo
- What should I do if the police are investigating me? | ¿Qué debo hacer si la policía me está investigando?
- Victory! Cannabis DUI Dismissed in Cook County! | ¡Victoria! ¡DUI por cannabis desestimado en el condado de Cook!
- Victory! Sexual Assault Investigation Closed with No Formal Charges | ¡Victoria! Investigación de agresión sexual cerrada sin cargos formales
- Victory! Traffic Tickets Dismissed in Cook County for Illinois CDL Holder | ¡Victoria! Multas de tráfico desestimadas en el condado de Cook para el titular de una CDL de Illinois
- DUI message from Subscription Lawyer | Mensaje de DUI del Abogado de Suscripción
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