According to multiple Chicago news outlets, Robert Crimo III agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges stemming from the acts of murder, attempted murder, and aggravated assault he committed during the 2022 Highland Park Fourth of July Parade. Crimo III killed seven people and maimed dozens more. His actions left at least one child as an orphan, in a terrible tragedy that rocked the Lake County Community.
John W. Heiderscheidt, a criminal attorney who represents immigrant and citizen clients in criminal courts across Illinois, including Cook, DuPage, and Will counties said, “Crimo III’s actions were reprehensible, and it is near inconceivable the state would not have secured convictions against him had the trial proceeded.” Heiderscheidt further said he expected an incredibly stiff sentence, even if prosecutors and defendants had agreed to a specific sentence in principle. “This was a heinous public act. Even if the parties tentatively agree to a specific sentence, the Court may feel obligated to impose something even more harsh than prosecutors have offered or discussed in negotiations.”
Attorney Heiderscheidt also expressed relief for the victims who will not have to relive the chaotic and emotionally devastating moments of the attack. “As a husband and father, I don’t want to imagine the grief and pain Crimo III’s victims’ families have experienced. This was depraved and sickening. The only solace is that the perpetrator finally agreed to accept responsibility in a court of law.”
If you or a loved one is under criminal investigation, charged with a crime, or trying to secure appellate or post-conviction relief, contact our offices today.